Sunday, June 04, 2006

Bloggers bloggers everywhere

I promise not to say, in the course of this blog, that I don't know why anyone would want to read what I'm writing - let's face it, we've all got a wee bit of voyeur in us. Certainly you wouldn't be here unless a) I invited you to read my inanity or b) you stumbled upon this and were transfixed by the tales of my transformation into a suburban mama.

My sister and husband and step-daughter and friends all have blogs so I thought I'd try it out.

David is watching to "The Sopranos" in the other room. It's funny how ridiculous things can sound if you don't have a visual. Tony sounds like total doofus. HBO kicks such serious fanny. Can I tell you how much I love Deadwood? Moving on...

I think the main thing I'll end up posting about is my son...this amazing little fellow that has completely and absolutely rocked my world. The photo of him above is my current favorite. Well, it's actually not but I haven't uploaded the latest and greatest.

I have become THAT WOMAN who takes endless photos of her child...but I do pride myself in not talking only about him. i strive for balance in things, including a kid/work/hubby/friends/self balance. I have been exposed to lots of chicks who talk solely of their kids. While I think it is excellent to revel in the wonder of your kid and love them to the extreme, I feel sorry for the mamas that can't or won't speak of much else.


Blogger japhy99 said...

Hey, I posted a comment here the other day. Where'd it go? Are you censoring me?


1:20 PM


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